Fount Street Housing Scheme, Stockwell, 1947



Fount Street Housing Scheme, off Wandsworth Road, with access from Fount Street and Hemans Street.

The first image from the brochure shows Darlington House, named after Rev.Darlington, vicar of St.Mark's Church, Kennington.

Opened on 18th October 1947, the flats included lifts,a central hot water supply and a communal laundry.

This lower images show the layout plan as well as an axonometric view of a typical 3 bedroom flat.

The rent in 1947 for a four room flat with kitchen, bathroom and lavatory was 27 shillings and 6 pence (27/6d), currently £1.37.5p.

Souvenir of the Official Opening, published by Battley Brothers Ltd. for the Metropolitan Borough of Lambeth, 1947.

See historic maps of Stockwell