Gypsy Encampment, Belvedere Marshes, Belvedere, 1936 & 1953

Gypsy Emcampment, Belvedere Marshes, Belvedere, 1953



 Map of the Belvedere Marshes


The first photograph, taken in 1936 shows the gypsy encampment on Belvedere Marshes.

The disaster of the night of 31st January 1953 left behind a flooded gipsy encampment (below).
It was caused by a combination of wind and tide and much of the East Coast was flooded.

The whole marsh area went under water, which extended far enough to cut the railway line at Belvedere Station and flood Picardy Street.

These floods hastened the end of the extensive gipsy encampment which had been a feature of the marshes for over a century.

Copyright: Topham Picture Source

See historic maps of Belvedere